go all in for Palestine’s refugees
unrwa is still operational in gaza and beyond
unrwa is still operational in gaza and beyond 🚨
Choose where your zakat goes…
meaningful ways to give to refugees
beyond the dollar
asked questions
Yes. Despite the Israeli Knesset ban, UNRWA’s operations in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still ongoing for now. Since the ceasefire, two-thirds of the aid entering Gaza is being delivered by UNRWA.
As one of the five pillars of Islam, zakat is almsgiving, representing a portion of one’s wealth, to the poor and vulnerable on an annual basis.
There are eight categories of eligible people who may receive zakat, including those administering zakat’s collection and distribution, the poor, and the indebted, among others.
All zakat donations are segregated into a specific account earmarked for food and cash assistance to the most impoverished Palestine refugees and are used within one lunar year, ensuring your money is used urgently and is directed to those who need it the most.
In the case of food assistance, food baskets are delivered to qualifying families on a quarterly basis.
In the Gaza Strip, over 2 million Palestine refugees live in poverty and about 1.7 million are forced to rely on UNRWA cash and food assistance to meet their most basic needs.
f this form of charitable giving is part of your faith, your zakat-eligible donation can provide essential support to the poorest and most vulnerable Palestine refugees.
Donations to UNRWA’s food and cash assistance program are Zakat-certified.
The National Zakat Foundation Worldwide certified UNRWA’s food and cash assistance program as zakat-eligible. In order to be zakat-eligible, an organization or program must confirm that beneficiaries of zakat meet specific eligibility criteria of being “poor and needy.”
100% of your zakat goes to gaza. No overhead. no admin costs.
100% of your zakat gift on this page is used to preserve the dignity of refugees in Gaza, through meals and urgent assistance, without deducting any additional expenses. That means UNRWA and UNRWA USA will cover 100% of administrative and operating costs, so you can give to Gaza in confidence this Ramadan.
National Zakat Foundation certification of zakat-eligibility
Certification Letter from Jerusalem Islamic
Council Certification Letter from Al-Azhar