UNRWA USA Files Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit and Launches Legal Fund


Laila Mokhiber
Director of Communications
(202) 223-3767

As announced in March, UNRWA USA has been targeted by a baseless lawsuit for its efforts in raising funds for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). On May 28, 2024, UNRWA USA’s legal team filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. UNRWA USA is represented by Beldock, Levine & Hoffman, J Pace Law PLLC, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Center for Constitutional Rights cooperating counsel Judith Chomsky and Beth Stephens. 

UNRWA USA is now launching a Legal Fund to support its communications and legal efforts. This fund will ensure that the organization has the necessary resources to address this legal challenge and continue its advocacy work without interruption. Donations to this fund are safe, secure, and tax-deductible. As a 501c3 organization, UNRWA USA adheres to the most stringent standards in resource management. Any unused funds will be redirected to its humanitarian interventions in the Gaza Strip.

"This lawsuit isn’t designed to be won. It’s designed to drain our small American nonprofit’s time and resources and to stop people from being able to give to Gaza," said Mara Kronenfeld, Executive Director of UNRWA USA. "We need our community’s help to fight back with the right legal and communications team. We must not just survive this; we must emerge stronger."

This legal attack is not just on UNRWA USA but on millions of Palestine refugees who rely on its funding for critical needs like food, water, and medical care.

UNRWA USA is committed for the long-haul and will continue its mission until a just and durable political solution is found for the plight of Palestine refugees. Until then, UNRWA USA urges supporters to donate what they can to its Legal Fund at unrwausa.org/legal to sustain life-saving aid efforts for refugees.


UNRWA USA National Committee (UNRWA USA) is an independent nonprofit organization that provides support for humanitarian assistance to Palestine refugees. UNRWA USA lifts up the voices, experiences, and humanity of Palestine refugees to secure American support for resources essential to every human being, for the promise of a better life. US taxpayers are eligible for tax deductions for donations made to UNRWA USA.


UNRWA USA Joins 102 Refugee and Human Rights Organizations in Urging the U.S. Government to Restore Funding to UNRWA