UNRWA USA Leads 105 Groups Urging Biden Admin to Restore US Funding for UNRWA via H.R. 9649


September 23, 2024

Laila Mokhiber
Senior Director of Communications
(202) 223-3767 

WASHINGTON DC — Today, a broad national coalition of 105 civil society organizations — including refugee, human rights, and humanitarian organizations — sent a letter to President Biden urging the United States government to restore its funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). The coalition, which also supports the recently introduced H.R. 9649, the UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act of 2024, told the President: “It is now time for the Administration to actively reengage with Congress with the goal of resuming US funding for UNRWA.” 

The United States, once UNRWA’s leading donor, remains the only UN member state still withholding support from this critical UN humanitarian and human development agency. 

UNRWA USA National Committee (UNRWA USA), which supports UNRWA (the UN Agency)’s work through advocacy, education, and fundraising in the United States, spearheaded the coalition alongside partners Oxfam America, Anera, Refugees International, Friends Committee on National Legislation, and others.

The UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act of 2024, introduced on September 19th by Representatives André Carson, Pramila Jayapal, and Jan Schakowsky with more than 60 original co-sponsors, repeals the congressional pause on UNRWA funding and demonstrates the broad support for the Agency in Congress. 

Executive Director Mara Kronenfeld cited the incredible response of the American people through UNRWA USA as yet another important sign of US support for UNRWA.

"We have seen UNRWA USA's donor base grow from about 7,000 to over 76,000 people. Their support sends a loud and clear message: the American people believe in the necessity of UNRWA’s indispensable work. The US government’s decision to withhold humanitarian funding is clearly disconnected from the will of its people," concluded Kronenfeld.

To maximize the bill's chances of success, UNRWA USA urges grassroots American advocates to act now by contacting their representatives, voicing their concern for the humanitarian needs and rights of Palestine refugees, and supporting the restoration of US government funding to UNRWA through cosponsorship of H.R. 9649.


UNRWA USA National Committee (UNRWA USA) is an independent nonprofit organization that provides support for the humanitarian work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). UNRWA USA lifts up the voices, experiences, and humanity of Palestine refugees to secure American support for resources essential to every human being, for the promise of a better life. US taxpayers are eligible for tax deductions for donations made through UNRWA USA. 

The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic, with more than 500,000 people facing famine-level starvation as well as constant bombardment, blockades, and limited access to fuel, electricity, and medical supplies. UNRWA is the backbone of the humanitarian response in the Gaza Strip and a lifeline for millions of Palestine refugees across the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.


UNRWA USA welcomes five new board members